
Human environment_1    Recreates complex human organ environment

Cellular-extracellular     Incorporates cellular & extracellular microenvironment

Cell interactions     Preserves cell-cell interactions

Scatter plot     High correlation with clinical response

Gears     Fully customizable

Rx     Drug candidate screening

Test tubes     Identification of new drug combinations

Life buoy     Rescue failed drug candidates

Bulls eye     Target discovery

Finger print     Biomarker discovery

Toxic     Evaluation of off-target toxicity



Human cells have been grown in culture since the 1950s. However, conventional cell culture models lack tissue microenvironment, and thus, have limited physiological relevance. Emerging 3D culture systems are starting to incorporate various components of tissue microenvironment to better replicate the biology of human tissues. zPREDICTA’s Reconstructed Organ (r-Organ) platform mimics the native architecture of human tissues in an organ- and disease-specific manner, and thus, demonstrates high correlation with clinical response. This 45 minute educational webinar will summarize the current state of 3D culture technologies and will highlight relevant applications of each platform.


What readout is compatible with Reconstructed Organ (r-Organ™) technology?

r-Organ is compatible with any standard readout techniques, including but not limited to, flow cytometry, microscopy (brightfield, fluorescence, confocal), immunohistochemistry, nucleic acid analysis (RNAseq, qPCR, arrays, etc.), proteomics, cell-based assays (i.e. viability, proliferation, migration, etc.), in vivo studies, etc.

Cells can be isolated from r-Organ using non-enzymatic isolation solution that is compatible with flow cytometry and any other readout strategies that require intact surface receptors. Moreover, cells remain viable after after isolation and can be subsequently replated or used in in vivo studies.

Do primary, patient-derived cells maintain their phenotype in r-Organ™ cultures?

Yes. The proportion of each population is retained over the course of the culture (i.e. each cell population present in the patient material is maintained over the course of the culture in the same proportions present in the starting material).

How long can cells remain viable in r-Organ™ cultures?

Viability of primary, patient-derived cells can be maintained for at least 28 days in r-Organ.

What type of therapeutic agents can be tested in r-Organ™?

Any type of therapeutic agent can be used in r-Organ: small molecules, antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, biologic agents, cell therapeutics (i.e. CAR-T cells).

What is the thickness of r-Organ™ cultures?

The thickness of the cultures can be modulated depending on the study goals, with average thickness of 800nm-1mm.

Is it possible to do high-resolution imaging and immunohistochemistry (IHC)?

Yes, in-matrix imaging is possible, which retains its native architecture, allowing analysis of cell-cell interactions and analysis of special orientation. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is also possible.